
Tuesday 5 June 2012

Prawns Choice & Progress

A quick note, I have a new tab up above, if you will notice, with upcoming posts, pages, and updates to the blog. Just to give all you fabulous people a sneak peak. I have been asked quite a few questions and want to post about different things that are on my mind, just not all at once, so check it out! You might see one of your questions answered in the next little bit, I have not forgotten about you!

Now, for all of you who have been patiently waiting for Prawns choice and progress here it is.

If you recall, poor Prawn, has suffered a 6 month plateau, where he has dropped barely any weight and has been discouraged.

At one point the diet becomes about portion control and Prawn did not change his attitude towards his portions, as well as over the months adding fattier entire rotisserie chickens to his daily diet and drinking 2% milk, as well as full fat yogurt on occasion.

So he was not losing, he was frustrated (I mean 6 months of not seeing the scale go down… are you kidding). He never cheated or strayed from the diet, but it has been a daily struggle to keep himself motivated through this entire process.

Prawn never actually wanted to lose weight, he only started Dukan because I was crying about being fat one night, I felt unattractive, disgusting, I hated myself. Prawn suggested we try the Dukan Diet that my Grandmaman had told us about thinking I would be over this in a few days, that we would be back to indulging on whatever in no time.

He thought we couldn’t stick with it, I thought the same thing. But we both started and… I mean it has been almost a year (on the 10th of June, it will be our one year Dukan Anniversary!) and we are still eating so healthily. It’s amazing.

Anyways, so Prawn wasn’t sure about his next steps. He was fed up of Dukan, he wanted to lose on his own terms, with his own rules. He felt with Dukan he was constrained and that the weight loss didn’t reflect so much on him as it did on the diet.

It was a big discussion, that lasted several days, almost an entire week. We asked advice from everybody, including you guys.

Prawn decided… to stick with Dukan but to try it a little differently.

He cut out his rotisserie chickens, he cut out all dairy (except a splash of milk in his coffee). He was for the first little bit controlling his portions but I feel now he has strayed away from that because… well he has actually not lost any weight still. He is fluctuating between a 10 pound gain and his lowest weight.

Why does this have to be a constant battle?

When I had my last Celebration Meal, weeeeeks ago I convinced him to join me. I thought maybe a little surprise to his system would jolt the weight loss. Did not happen.

Why does it have to be so frustrating?

He decided that the day he gives in and eats a rotisserie chicken at work or yogurt or milk or cheese, that is the day he will move onto Consolidation. So he will continue until his last willpower gives up and then he will incorporate a Celebration Meal a week into his diet. I don’t believe he wants to eat the daily bread but am convinced he will indulge in the cheese and fruit.

Poor Prawn. It just doesn’t get any better for the poor guy.

He wants to join a gym, but he has been saying that since I met him. I feel like even if he joins he is not in the right place to consistently go and see results. I fear this is the last thing that will finally push him to lose weight though.

I feel like he is losing inches, it’s just so hard to gage. Also, he does have a lot of loose skin, which I feel must weigh a lot… He wants surgery but I don’t know if that’s something he should really be looking into at his young age (22 years old) especially since he has not given exercising a good solid try.

So that is that about Prawn. Any words of encouragement or suggestions are ALWAYS appreciated. I mean, we are approaching the 7 month of no weight loss mark… that must be so depressing for the guy.

I think it is incredibly discouraging for him to see that I have not only broken through my plateau, but found the willpower (finally) to hit the gym consistently and am getting results in that sense. I am still losing inches and looking better and better and he is just stuck, you know?

I want to post a new Before and After pic of Prawn, those are old, he looks so fabulous, really, even though his weight loss has just stopped. :)




  1. The photos of Prawn in your before are after look awesome. How much more could he possibly need to lose? Maybe consolidation and finding some exercise (or weights) that he likes is the answer??? I know most guys actually get quite hooked on weights once they start and they gain muscle WAY easier than us girlies. Does your gym offer a free week to see if someone likes the gym????

  2. Poor must be so hard for him at the moment to keep the faith.

    Firstly if he wants to have surgery to remove excess skin, providing he can have the recovery time off - I don't see the issue with it. Yes, there are always negatives, however the positives - are he will feel better knowing he doesn't have excess skin and perhaps when he looks i the mirror and sees that he will be encouraged to keep going knowing what he will look like. At 33, I have had surgery for various things almost every year since i was about 20, and well...I am no worse for it... :p

    Secondly, I am not going to advocate the gym simply because if he hasn't gone yet - he never will.(I speak from my personal experience of saying it for over 10 years and never going :p) He needs to head out and find something he enjoys doing. There are many many many different aerobic things he could do - dance, squash, swimming, go out clubbing, tennis, football, martial arts, hiking etc. Almost every place will have a free experience or cost very little to have a try out. He needs to just get out there and do something, try a new thing every week until he finds the one thing that gives him some pleasure.

    Now that he has lost so much weight, he should be really out there and seeing what life has to offer for him. I really want to see him succeed - not just for himself, but for all the men out there that are severely under represented in the weight loss category.

    Prawn was one of the determining factors for my hubby to finally wanting to proceed. He wasn't as big as Prawn,when we started, but the fact that Prawn did it and lost so much weight, was the push hubby needed.

    I wish there was more I could say, but really I think at this stage Prawn needs to start some sort of physical activity that will get his skin tightening back up and get his heart rate up to burn a little more.

    Has he looked at things like T-Tapp or the Dallas Page Yoga System?

    I posted the above on my blog a while ago - it still brings me to tears - but perhaps something like that sort of exercise can inspire him??

    Hugs to the Prawn and to you for trying to keep him on the up and up!

    1. Prawn here, and I have to say you're words have really brought a smile to my face. To know that I (some average nobody) pushed someone to achieve something flatters me to no end. When it comes to physical activity/the gym I have this to say:

      I'm not sure if DD has mentioned this but I actually joined a weekly jiujitsu lessons, and have been doing that every Wednesday since January. So that has been a huge factor in motivating me to expand my physical prowess. There are two things that have really been holding me back from joining the gym. Money and Time. Lol, except I'm sure everyone says the same things. In regards to time, I've been working and stressing about my academics for the past half a year or so, and its consumed alot of my motivation. Between working, pursuing a personal passion and school I have found little time for myself. That being said seeing my partner's progress has been both a blessing and a wake-up call.

      To see her progress and succeed beyond any expectation imaginable makes me feel like I can do it too! I think in a lot of ways I relate to people like you who follow her. She's turned out to be strongest and most driven person I know and I love her for it.

      Yet there's the wake-up call, the realization that being simply "satisfied" with how I look physically is intolerable.

      I'm trying to set realistic goals before joining a gym and I'm not going to make the same mistakes I have made in the past (including working out with the energy levels of a 350 pound man!) and I have always been optimistic that when the moment was right I would begin and succeed. I really feel like this is that moment.

      With Dukan Dietress as my coach (lol) I feel like I'm destined for success and a long life of health and happiness.

      Love, Prawn.

  3. Money and Time are always the killers, and in all honesty if you can't do it because of those factors you simply can't. There is not an option out of it.

    Good luck though - I will be hanging to see more pictures of the two of you getting all toned :)

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